- EL (English Learner) Program
- Options and Opportunities for EL Parents/Guardians
- CAPEI – Consejo Asesor de Padres de Estudiantes de Inglés
Opting Out
Upon receiving the letter to inform a parent that their child has been identified as an EL the family may “opt-out” of EL instruction by completing the form below and submitting it to the ESL teacher. We strongly recommend using our services, but parents have the right to decline them. However, students who have been “opted out” of ESL instruction are still assigned to classrooms of SEI endorsed teachers and ESL teachers will continue to monitor the student’s performance and contact the parents/guardians if progress is not satisfactory. In addition, ELLs who have been “opted out” still participate in progress monitoring assessment and the annual WIDA ACCESS test of English language development.
- Opt-Out Form
All English Learners participate in the annual state test of progress in their English language development: WIDA ACCESS test. Parents receive a report of their child’s ACCESS results, usually in June, when they are released by the state and teacher use the report to monitor progress, modify instruction, and possibly, exit students from the program.
After their first year in a U.S. school, when they have been exempted from participation in the English Language Arts portion of the state MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) tests, EL students take the MCAS tests along with all other students in the spring. Tests of English language arts and mathematics are given in grades 3 through 8 and in grade 10. Tests of science are given in grades 5, 8 and once during high school – usually at the end of grade 9. EL students may receive some special accommodations on these tests because of their EL status following the testing accommodations guidelines provided by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
TELL and others
ESL teachers are constantly assessing students’ developing English skills and providing evidence-based ratings of each student’s current language level in reading, writing, listening and speaking three times per year. Progress is shared with parents through report cards each term.
When an EL student’s ACCESS score reaches an overall level of 4.2 as established by the state, they may be exited from the EL program. At the EL placement meeting in June, grades, state and local test scores are considered, and a decision is made. EL students who have exited the program do not participate in the annual ACCESS test of English language development. Still, ESL teachers will continue to monitor the student’s performance for a period of four years after the students exit the ESL program and contact the parents/guardians if progress is not satisfactory and there is a need for the student to receive EL services again.
As part of the identification process, when the Home Language Survey is administered, families are asked if they require information from the school in another language. This can be all school materials or by request. Interpreters are available for parent-teacher conferences or other meetings. These services are available for all families.